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Model Airfields DB

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Field Name Country Update c ID (Reg) Link Typ
Inzersdorf MFG-Au at 02.11.2023, 20:36:35 490 AT4336 airfield
Inzing MBC at 02.11.2023, 20:36:55 374 AT4189 airfield
Inzlingen MBC de 01.08.2024, 15:23:00 924 DE644 - DMFV06/113 airfield
Ione GoldCoutryFlyers us 14.09.2024, 20:43:16 337 US1719 - 1796 airfield
Iowa City Aerohawks us 13.07.2024, 20:46:35 408 US2097 - 824 airfield
Ipatinga CA Vale do Aco br 14.01.2024, 18:35:29 374 BR6903 airfield
Ipeúna Clube Delta br 01.05.2023, 21:41:35 251 BR6905 airfield
Ipswich IRCMC uk 27.03.2024, 18:03:18 454 UK5207 airfield
Ipswich IRCMC Landseer Park uk 25.04.2024, 20:39:46 442 UK5208 airfield
Ipswich IRCMC Lowford uk 25.04.2024, 20:39:58 414 UK5209 airfield
Iraklion MPA Club gr 08.07.2024, 21:12:39 524 GR5944 airfield
Ireasca RC-flying ro 29.05.2024, 21:17:49 312 RO5763 airfield
Irinjalakuda Christ College Ground in 29.08.2022, 14:27:49 283 IN9016 airfield
Irmgarteichen IG-Modellsegelflug Siegen-Wittgenstein de 22.02.2024, 12:24:11 740 DE5661 - DMFV05/016 airfield
Iron City 3D Farm us 10.09.2024, 20:30:27 643 US10743 - ?? airfield
Iron Mountain Prop Busters us 28.01.2023, 20:36:12 604 US3806 - 4229 airfield
Irvine OCRCC us 26.02.2024, 20:19:33 404 US1789 - 1330 other
Irvington Azalea City Model Aeronautics us 01.04.2024, 17:47:28 532 US1542 - 1708 airfield
Irvington Knox Model Airplane Club us 11.08.2023, 20:38:18 365 US2332 - 1129 airfield
Irwin KeystoneClippers us 03.08.2023, 13:22:42 393 US3361 - 553 airfield
Is Concias Slope it 05.09.2024, 20:59:24 327 IT4518 slope
Is Pruinis-S.Antioco Ali nel Sulcis it 08.04.2024, 20:24:01 336 IT4519 airfield
Isenbergschwil MFG-StBurkhard ch 14.08.2024, 15:42:25 604 CH3979 airfield
Iserlohn LSG de 01.03.2024, 18:28:45 934 DE646 - DMFV05/215 airfield
Isithebe Flying Club za 11.03.2024, 10:21:12 258 ZA6212 airfield
Isla Mayor AeroIsla es 03.05.2024, 13:15:17 371 ES7559 airfield
Islamabad Aeromodelling Club pk 30.01.2024, 20:45:41 418 PK9084 airfield
Isle of Man Manx-ModelFlyers 33rd Milestone SW uk 12.09.2024, 21:15:43 352 UK11098 slope
Isle of Man Manx-ModelFlyers Archallagan uk 12.09.2024, 21:15:55 445 UK4917 airfield
Isle of Man Manx-ModelFlyers Beine-y-Phott S uk 12.09.2024, 21:16:06 376 UK11093 slope

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