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Model Airfields DB

Find RC Model Airfields worldwide


"Model-Airfields Database" is a database containing model airfields from arround the world. The original datasource was created and maintained by Arno Bertz.

1. Add a place

Option 1

Go to this site to add a new airfield to the database. Add all required informations and move the red marker on the map to the position of your airfield. You can use the "Move location to" field to find the right place in the world by simple enter a city name in the field. After entering all informations enter the captcha code and click Submit. Your entry will be checked by one of our admins before ist will published.

Option 2

You can add yout own flying field as a registered user with the option to change your data anytime you have to made some changes. Got to the Registration site and add a new account for your own. You will receive an email containing your new password.
After you have logged in you will find a list of all your Airfields, where you can click on "Add" to add a new place.
Add these required informations:

Your new place will be visible in our database after an administrator has checked the new entry.

Option 3

Goto our Community or visit the Facebook Page and start a new conversation with us.

2. To edit an existing place

If you like to change an entry by your own that already exists in our database, rights must be granted by on of our admins. So we have to check that you have the rights to change that entry. To get this rights send us an Email to and provide these informations:

3. Block / Remove Places

If your place have to be removed fropm our database or has to be blocked, use one of these two ways:

© 2013 - 2025 MADB 3.0.0 - Thomas Ehrhardt - Arno Bertz

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