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Model Airfields DB

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Field Name Country Update c ID (Reg) Link Typ
Rainford Mossborough Hall Model Flying Club uk 21.06.2024, 12:48:34 651 UK7664 airfield
Rainham BretonsMFC uk 04.08.2024, 10:02:42 332 UK5391 airfield
Rainier Cowlitz Valley RC Flyers us 05.07.2023, 17:25:42 603 US3258 - 645 airfield
Rainy River Internationals ca 05.08.2023, 20:45:22 459 CA7162 airfield
Raision lennokkikenttä fi 19.04.2023, 20:47:46 493 FI11755 airfield
Rakkestad Corvus Modellflyklubb no 09.03.2024, 20:56:55 397 NO10698 airfield
Rakvice RC-Field cz 30.01.2024, 18:49:20 372 CZ7337 airfield
Ralston Omaha Orbiting Eagles CL F2 us 23.09.2024, 11:33:17 473 US2822 - 406 airfield
Ramatuelle Sektion AM L'Avioun fr 30.07.2024, 17:12:36 515 FR8184 - AIP9522 airfield
Rame Head E S W Slope uk 01.05.2023, 21:23:20 339 UK12267 slope
Ramelsloh MFG neu de 15.08.2024, 11:43:39 1262 DE1081 - DMFV04/029 airfield
Ramillies AeroClubWavre be 25.03.2024, 16:11:55 499 BE11342 airfield
Ramiszów Rakow RC pl 30.01.2024, 18:49:46 315 PL8794 airfield
Rammelfangen Servo74 de 23.07.2024, 13:18:29 1125 DE1386 - DAeC-SL6 airfield
Raná slope cz 03.07.2024, 18:34:09 481 CZ7338 slope
Rancagua Club de Aeromodelismo RC cl 03.05.2024, 20:43:28 17 CL12550 airfield
Rancho Palos Verdes PeninsulaSilentFlyers us 29.02.2024, 20:49:17 407 US1753 - 2065 airfield
Rancho San Diego AlpineAeroSquadron us 22.06.2024, 18:28:14 469 US1774 - 1843 airfield
Randallstown Wright Flyers us 29.02.2024, 20:50:30 377 US2442 - 3311 airfield
Randbøl Ellehammer-RC dk 29.11.2023, 18:52:32 388 DK7422 airfield
Randers RMFK dk 29.11.2023, 18:55:02 584 DK7423 airfield
Randfontein Bosveld RC Flyers za 08.08.2024, 11:21:18 152 ZA9452 airfield
Randfontein Radio Flyers za 05.03.2024, 16:50:36 487 ZA6278 airfield
Randleman CCRCM us 29.02.2024, 20:51:16 661 US2730 - 1257 airfield
Ranggen TMC-Innsbruck at 28.04.2024, 20:31:42 1000 AT4265 airfield
Rangsdorf Bücker-Museum Modellbau de 02.08.2024, 12:15:41 1065 DE1082 - DMFV16/023 airfield
Ranseredt Modellflug-Schaerding at 08.08.2024, 11:18:46 762 AT4266 airfield
Ranst MCR be 23.09.2024, 11:23:53 370 BE6812 airfield
Ranua EFRU RC-Flying fi 23.05.2024, 20:49:52 436 FI4872 airfield
Rapentosa Dionysos Slope gr 03.03.2024, 18:55:38 338 GR6002 slope

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