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Field Name Country Update c ID (Reg) Link Typ
Hammond Tangi RC Flyers Assn us 01.09.2023, 20:43:34 463 US2358 - 4886 airfield
Hammondsport Windy Ridge RC Flyers us 26.02.2024, 12:06:43 516 US10829 - 3217 airfield
Hammonton Crossing Free Flight Group F1 us 11.09.2024, 20:58:33 914 US2854 - 920 airfield
Hampshire SOARChicago North Side us 26.02.2024, 12:07:09 358 US2165 - 888 airfield
Hampstead Topsail Electric Flyers Association us 21.08.2023, 18:55:26 501 US2755 - 4911 airfield
Hampton in Arden Heart of England Aeromodellers uk 18.10.2023, 14:25:53 344 UK10089 airfield
Hampton Quarter Scale Flyers Club ca 27.03.2023, 20:53:45 340 CA7084 airfield
Hanam-si RC Independence Fighters kr 21.06.2024, 10:32:40 453 KR9046 airfield
Hanau MFC Moenus de 02.08.2024, 18:52:07 124 DE12423 - DMFV01/060 airfield
Handforth SmithyMAC uk 30.08.2024, 21:30:14 367 UK5442 airfield
Haneffe Royale Herstal Petite Aviation be 16.05.2024, 21:20:19 423 BE6785 airfield
Hannibal Lakeside R/C Aerodrome us 05.03.2023, 17:37:47 415 US2650 - 4252 airfield
Hannover HAEC Modellflug de 22.09.2023, 20:31:55 796 DE522 - DAeC-NI5 airfield
Hanopoylo-Kontra Slope SW-SE gr 08.07.2024, 21:12:15 179 GR9831 slope
Hanover Flying Fools Aero Club us 14.08.2024, 20:08:45 536 US3312 - 1855 airfield
Hanstholm Camping Slope dk 10.07.2024, 16:16:14 388 DK9743 slope
Hanworth HAMFC uk 10.09.2024, 10:46:55 417 UK5161 airfield
Haparanda MFK Aspvingen se 08.05.2024, 20:45:06 454 SE11757 airfield
Harads Edefors Modellbyggare se 08.05.2024, 20:41:09 414 SE11992 airfield
Haramsøy AAMFK Slope NE no 25.06.2023, 11:20:43 392 NO8536 slope
Haramsøy AAMFK Slope S no 25.06.2023, 11:21:07 380 NO5858 slope
Haramsøy AAMFK Slope SSW no 25.06.2023, 11:21:39 358 NO8537 slope
Harare KomaniFlying zw 18.02.2024, 17:33:32 831 ZW9133 airfield
Harare Thorne Park Polo Grounds RC-Flying zw 28.04.2023, 22:48:16 925 ZW9134 airfield
Haraucourt Aéro Model Club fr 26.07.2024, 17:15:30 342 FR8015 - AIP8126 airfield
Harbor Springs PAMA us 26.02.2024, 12:08:35 421 US2509 - 1548 airfield
Hardricour Modèle Air Club fr 15.08.2023, 12:33:14 91 FR9374 - AIP8518 airfield
Hardyston Top O' New Jersey us 24.05.2024, 16:00:36 438 US2872 - 433 airfield
Haren MSG de 10.07.2024, 18:04:49 504 DE523 - DMFV04/057 airfield
Hargarten-aux-Mines RotorTeamClub fr 18.04.2023, 20:49:45 369 FR11520 - AIP8086 heli

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