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Balconnen BMAC Float - Water Flight

au AU9625 - Last changed: 02.05.2023, 18:42:47
User: arnobertz
Counter: 200

The club’s Float Plane flying site is located adjacent to the lake Ginninderra boat ramp off Diddams Close, Belconnen. Access to Diddams Close is via the West bound lane of Ginninderra Drive.
The club’s Lake Ginninderra Float Plane Flying site is authorised by the MAAA as a BMAC affiliated flying field for the operation of model aircraft up to 400 feet Above Ground Level (AGL).

Map View

Koords: Latitude:-35.2243, Longitude:149.0690 , Elevation (m): 90m , Bing Maps , Here Maps

© 2013 - 2024 MADB 3.0.0 - Thomas Ehrhardt - Arno Bertz

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