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Model Airfields DB

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Zhuzhou RC Flying field - Model Airfield

cn CN8968 - Last changed: 01.01.2024, 18:17:30
Counter: 708


This RC Airport / RC Flying field is built by Government of Zhuzhou for the RC Pilots of Zhuzhou. A big nice tiled Runway maintained by government, a good parking and easy access is plus point. No interference from traffic and perfectly safe to fly planes and helicopters, float planes or drive boats. Its one of the most dangerous RC airports in the world as after taking off, a pilot is left with a high wall and light posts behind him, a big river before him, left and right planted trees to make landings trickier and a high power electric lines at right too. but again, its the best place for 40+ pilots of Zhuzhou City Hunan Province and many pilots from Changsha n Xiangtan City often come to fly here as well. Need more info, contact AliShanMao

Map View

Koords: Latitude:27.8471, Longitude:113.1001 , Elevation (m): 38m , Bing Maps , Here Maps


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