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Model Airfields DB

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Jekatarinenburg RC-Flying - Model Airfield

ru RU7733 - Last changed: 15.07.2022, 20:49:46
User: arnobertz
Counter: 302


Big open air area, with a grass or snow, no facilites, just fly and have fun. One side is bordered with trees, another with a river. Me and my friends fly there almost every saturday 12-14AM at quadrocopters / pilotage models.

Map View

Koords: Latitude:56.8178, Longitude:60.6218 , Elevation (m): 235m , Bing Maps , Here Maps


Homepage unknown. If you know the www address please leave it as a note below.

© 2013 - 2024 MADB 3.0.0 - Thomas Ehrhardt - Arno Bertz

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