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Model Airfields DB

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Dalsøyra Gulen Luftsportklubb - Model Airfield

no NO7076 - Last changed: 09.03.2024, 20:43:53
Counter: 420


This place is used by modellairplanes and mircolight fullsize planes. The area is also well know for amazing slopes for gliders and paragliding.

Map View

Koords: Latitude:60.9287, Longitude:5.1605 , Elevation (m): 8m , Bing Maps , Here Maps

Last Visits

Time Visitor
29.05.2016, 11:53:19 Anonym
28.05.2016, 11:31:57 Anonym
27.05.2016, 12:19:08 Anonym
26.05.2016, 21:28:52 Anonym
10.04.2016, 15:40:35 Anonym
09.04.2016, 12:11:06 Anonym
03.04.2016, 14:01:54 Anonym
02.04.2016, 14:55:17 Anonym
24.08.2015, 22:03:53 Anonym
23.08.2015, 12:19:59 Anonym

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