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Goodwood Bundaberg Aero Sport Flyers - Other

au AU6509 - Last changed: 15.01.2024, 21:00:59
Counter: 471


BASF lost their field just recently. We have no where local to fly. Here is a few photos of our field at the start of our last SCAF meet. Our club was open to anyone and no person was ever turned away for any reason. Everyone who flew there always enjoyed their flying. We had many comps and fly Ins, from IMAC, SCAF, Pattern with F3 and F5 glider comps. State Championships. We even have people from other states come to fly with us while here on their holidays. A sad day when I cleared the last of our pit area away and took our club sign off the gate.
WE had nearly 15 years at this location and it was great. And, many enquires from people who wish to help us find a new place to fly and with good intentions of these people we still have had no luck yet. In total contrast, I/We have tried to get help from our local Bundaberg council who just forgets about the last time we spoke and they are very difficult to deal with. The things they said they would do to help us with but then, forget about next time we talk. We get nowhere and keep having to explain everything over and over, even after a promise from our mayor to find us land to fly at.
I am sure though we will find a new place to fly at. The club remains open and our membership is at 26 members. We thank everyone who supported us here on FB and who flew with us

Map View

Koords: Latitude:-25.1519, Longitude:152.4036 , Elevation (m): 24m , Bing Maps , Here Maps

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