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Model Airfields DB

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Vantaa RAKU flying field - Model Airfield

fi FI6000 - Last changed: 29.03.2024, 10:12:13
Counter: 994


RAKU ry is a RC-aeroplane club operating in city of Vantaa next to Helsinki. We have over 200 members and a good flying field about 20 km away from Helsinki city center in Petikko, Vantaa. Our web pages are only in Finnish but we also welcome English speaking members and have a few of those in our roster. Our yearly membership fee is 27€ for adults and 13€ for juniors. For more information please contact the secretary by email at sihteeri [a] raku dot fi.

Map View

Koords: Latitude:60.2891, Longitude:24.8175 , Elevation (m): 28m , Bing Maps , Here Maps

Last Visits

Time Visitor
10.07.2017, 18:37:23 Anonym
28.04.2017, 20:49:20 Anonym
23.09.2016, 10:41:12 Anonym
28.08.2016, 13:24:28 Anonym
15.08.2016, 18:09:26 Anonym
14.08.2016, 14:44:52 Anonym
03.08.2016, 19:57:54 Anonym
29.06.2016, 20:12:23 Anonym
14.06.2016, 21:33:37 Anonym
05.06.2016, 17:25:55 Anonym

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