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Model Airfields DB

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Son en Breugel MVSB - Model Airfield

nl NL4837 - Last changed: 04.12.2023, 18:42:12
Counter: 602

Great flying field with a nice crowd. Typical flying weekends and Wednesday afternoon.

Map View

Koords: Latitude:51.5301, Longitude:5.4639 , Elevation (m): 13m , Bing Maps , Here Maps


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Last Visits

Time Visitor
20.03.2017, 18:39:56 Anonym
19.03.2017, 10:50:01 Anonym
14.08.2016, 15:14:08 Anonym
09.09.2015, 10:16:14 Anonym
09.08.2015, 18:49:03 Anonym
02.08.2015, 12:21:31 Anonym
26.07.2015, 11:36:25 Anonym
24.07.2015, 11:10:22 Anonym
11.07.2015, 13:31:39 Anonym
09.07.2015, 15:39:57 Anonym

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