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Model Airfields DB

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Hobart Deep River RC Flying Club - Model Airfield

us US2249 - Last changed: 02.09.2024, 20:37:03
Register ID: AMA 2991
Counter: 492


Upon entering the field turn right and follow the tree line around to the parking area. Please do not cross the field directly. You do not want to drive across the flight path of our aircraft landing and taking off.

Map View

Koords: Latitude:41.4885, Longitude:-87.2367 , Elevation (m): 197m , Bing Maps , Here Maps


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Time Visitor
31.07.2020, 19:27:37 Anonym
06.04.2020, 20:36:37 Anonym
19.05.2016, 04:58:03 Anonym

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