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Model Airfields DB

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Pieksämäki/Naarajärvi EFPK - Model Airfield

fi FI11711 - Last changed: 03.04.2024, 20:21:22
Counter: 511


Model airfield is 180 meters long by 22 meters wide grass field near the runway end heading 33.
Suitable for all kind of model planes and helicopters.
In addition also tarmac runway usable for jets, with limitations regarding to normal airfield operations.
Plenty of parking space and nice quiet surroundings for hobby.

Map View

Koords: Latitude:62.2666, Longitude:26.9988 , Elevation (m): 119m , Bing Maps , Here Maps

Last Visits

Time Visitor
17.10.2015, 08:18:08 Anonym
30.08.2015, 21:19:02 Anonym
04.07.2015, 07:04:44 Anonym
03.07.2015, 21:08:35 Anonym
15.05.2015, 18:17:29 Anonym

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