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Model Airfields DB

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Delme Aéro Model Club Slope 3 - Slope

fr FR10673 - Last changed: 04.05.2023, 21:08:43
Register ID: AIP-no
User: arnobertz
Counter: 418


Five slopes facing S-W, S-S-W, S, S-E and N-E, with about 50 to 100 m of difference of altitude. Restricted flights due to narrow airport. Needs a phone call to airport for authorization (only the members of AMCD have the phone number).

Map View

Koords: Latitude:48.9025, Longitude:6.3681 , Elevation (m): 380m , Bing Maps , Here Maps

© 2013 - 2024 MADB 3.0.0 - Thomas Ehrhardt - Arno Bertz

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