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Eskilstuna Sofiebergsåsen Slope SW-W - Slope

se SE10206 - Last changed: 31.05.2023, 22:22:15
User: arnobertz
Counter: 292


15m - 120m high slope with some trees at the bottom. No really good landing spots, so foam planes work best here and can be landed. Also possible to walk down an land on the field below. Electric motor "Just to be safe" is a good idea. Easy to also find good thermals on synny days.

Sofiebergsåsen is a nature reserve in the municipality of Eskilstuna in Södermanland County. The area is approximately 10km northeast of central Eskilstuna, just northwest of Kjula church

Flyable winddirections: Southwest wind West wind

Map View

Koords: Latitude:59.4070, Longitude:16.6578 , Elevation (m): 9m , Bing Maps , Here Maps


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