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Brattforsheden airfield Anti-Gravity League MFK - Model Airfield

se SE10106 - Last changed: 23.08.2024, 21:41:21
Counter: 392


Anti-Gravity League (AGL) MFK modelflying field at Brattforsheden airfield.
THe Aarfield is a full scale airfield (ESSM) with modelflying field. Two modelflying clubs use the airfield as modelflying fields: 1. Anti-Gravity Leauge Model Flying Club and 2. Karlstads Model Flying Club (as their secondary field).
It is mandatory to read the local full scale club, Brattforshedens aeroclub, field rules before flying model airplanes at the airfield. At present the maximum height above ground for model flying is 300 meter over the airfield, and one must use a radio receiver to listen on the airfield frequency 123.60 MHz when flying model aearoplanes at the field. The local field rules for the full scale airfield can be read here (load the URL in Google translator to have the info translated to desired language):
It is paragraph 6 that contain rules for modelflying at the airfield:
In Swedish:
§ 6. Modellflygverksamhet
För modellflygverksamhet gäller högsta tillåtna höjd 300 m/1000 ft GND och minsta avstånd 50 meter mot bana 08/26 när detta är i bruk.
Radiopassning på Brattfors Radio, 123,6 MHz är ett oeftergivligt krav så snart flygplatsen används.

In English:
paragraph 6. Model flight operations
For model flight operations, the maximum allowable height is 300 m / 1000 ft GND and the minimum distance 50 meters to run 08/26 when in use.
Radio listening on Brattfors Radio, 123.6 MHz is an mandatory requirement as soon as the airport is used.

Person to contact at AGL for modelflying at the airfield:
Bo Edstrom (resonsible for the modelflying field at this full scale airfield)
+46 70 6260798

Map View

Koords: Latitude:59.6095, Longitude:13.9168 , Elevation (m): 184m , Bing Maps , Here Maps


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